
2022 年攝影比賽作品展覽與得獎名單



Yarlung Zangbo The narrow long strip of land between south of the upper streams of Brahmaputra River and northern foothills of Tibet Himalayas is distributed with large areas of wetlands, wi © 韓凱杰/TNC Photo Contest 2022

大自然保護協會將於七月中旬假金鐘太古廣場舉行 Nature’s Canvas:「攝觸自然」攝影比賽作品展,展出TNC全球攝影比賽年度獲獎作品。就像藝術家運用畫布繪畫,大自然亦以地球為畫布,繪出壯麗景色、繁複的生態體系,以及繁衍生息的植物和動物。固此,TNC希望透過這些照片讓觀眾共同感受及接觸大自然的美好與奧妙,並期望提高公眾對環境保護和自然保育的關注度。

展覽名稱:Nature’s Canvas:「攝觸自然」攝影比賽作品展 (*免費入場)


展覽地點:太古廣場L1層Park Court (Shiro附近)



為鼓勵大眾發揮創意,把AR(擴增實境)跟大自然互相結合,呈現理想中的健康自然環境面貌,本會將舉辦「我的自然畫布My Nature’s Canvas AR創作比賽」,只要前往作品展,於展覽名稱展板前開啓AR網頁,按指示完成畫作,並把作品上載到Instagram,在作品上標注 #natures_canvas與標籤TNC香港的Instagram帳戶 @tnc_hk,以及寫上一句對大自然的打氣説話或標語,即可參加比賽!





開支散葉 在中國西南部西藏的高速公路上,兩岸雨水形成的溝壑向外延伸成一棵大樹圖案。 © Li Ping/TNC Photo Contest 2022


Shafeeq Mulla,贊比亞


一隻名叫 Olimba的豹叼著一隻雌性黑長尾猴的屍體,而猴子寶寶仍然緊抱著媽媽的身體。攝於贊比亞South Luangwa國家公園。
無情的動物世界 一隻名叫 Olimba的豹叼著一隻雌性黑長尾猴的屍體,而猴子寶寶仍然緊抱著媽媽的身體。攝於贊比亞South Luangwa國家公園。 © Shafeeq Mulla/TNC Photo Contest

「各式各樣來自世界各地的相片讓大家能一窺我們脆弱的地球及棲息在其中的生命。比賽本身就是一場迷人的冒險之旅,向我們傳遞一個發人深省的訊息 — 世上所有人都緊密地互相聯繫著,以及人類與大自然共存的深遠意義。」

— 嘉賓評委Ami Vitale


Florian Ledoux,挪威

A female polar bear breastfeeding her two cubs of the year in the harbour of the abandoned Russian settlement, Pyramiden.
在城中哺乳 一隻雌性北極熊在廢棄的俄羅斯城鎮 Pyramiden 的港口為牠的兩隻幼崽哺乳。 © Florian Ledoux/TNC Photo Contest


— 名人評審 Coyote Peterson


Francisco Javier Munuera González,西班牙

Slope of Mount Adi, in Navarra.
Adi山 西班牙Navarra省Adi山的斜坡。 © Francisco Javier Munuera González/TNC Photo Contest


Hendy Wicaksono, 印尼

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is one of the 10 priority tourist destinations in Indonesia.
神秘的Bromo Bromo Tengger Semeru國家公園是印尼十大旅遊景點之一。 © Hendy Wicaksono/TNC Photo Contest


Ivan Pedretti, 意大利

Winter in Stokksnes on the beach with black sand and the majestic mountain, Vestrahorn.
差異 在冰島Stokksnes地區的冬天,黑色的沙灘和宏偉的Vestrahorn山峰。 © Ivan Pedretti/TNC Photo Contest


Waluya Priya Atmaja,印尼

This photo was taken in Lamongan, East Java at sunset. Mangroves were planted to reduce the impact of abrasion around this area.
紅樹 攝於東爪哇地區Lamongan的日落時分。該處種植紅樹林以減少磨損對周遭環境的影響。 © Waluya Priya Atmaja/TNC Photo Contest


Effy Varley,英國

The mist slowly thinned giving a glimpse of the trees on the other side, I grabbed my tripod to set up this shot.
倒影 霧氣慢慢變薄,可以瞥見對岸的樹木,我立即拿起三腳架準備拍攝。 © Effy Varley/TNC Photo Contest


Janusz Jurek,波蘭

The photo was taken in Greece. A huge factory broke into the sea, taking the beach away from restful people. A simple, ordinary scene is very symbolic for me.
休息 攝自希臘。一座巨大的工廠入侵大海,將海灘從悠閒的人們手中奪走。這個簡單又普通的場景對我來說非常具有象徵意義。 © Janusz Jurek/TNC Photo Contest


Komang Arnawa,印尼

Sorting activities of fishermen’s catches in the village of Kedonganan, Bali.
豐富漁獲 峇里 Kedonganan 村的漁民將漁獲分類。 © Komang Arnawa/TNC Photo Contest


Francesca Franchini,墨西哥

The jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula protects a great biodiversity of species. The Mayan Train will be built here, affecting the best preserved jungle in the country.
瑪雅鐵路的通道 墨西哥Yucatan半島的叢林保護著豐富的生物多樣性。瑪雅鐵路將建在這裡,影響該國保存最完好的叢林。 © Francesca Franchini/TNC Photo Contest


Giovani Cordioli,巴西

I was at Varadero beach, Cuba when I saw this huge cloud coming, then I ran to the room and brought my camera to capture it.
暴風雨前夕 我當時在古巴的Varadero海灘,看到這片巨大的烏雲時,立即跑到房間,拿出相機拍下此情景。 © Giovani Cordioli/TNC Photo Contest


Amish Jain,印度

A man standing in freezing cold water waiting for Sun God to arrive during Chatth Puja Festival.
信念高於萬物 Chatth Puja 節期間,一名男子站在冰冷的水中等待太陽神到來。 © Amish Jain/TNC Photo Contest


Marvin Mwarangu, 肯亞

As the mother is sedated, a veterinarian works quickly to diagnose and treat an elephant calf wound. The image was taken at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy on July 20, 2022.
拯救野生動物 當母象被鎮靜後,獸醫迅速診斷和治療幼象的傷口。攝於Ol Pejeta 保護區, 2022 年 7 月 20 日。 © Marvin Mwarangu/TNC Photo Contest


Marcelo Paulo Silva,巴西

Praia do Pontal, at Recreio dos Bandeirantes in Rio de Janeiro on the first day after the beaches lockdown.
解除封鎖後的海灘 攝於巴西里約熱內盧 Recreio dos Bandeirantes區的Praia do Pontal海灘解除封鎖後的第一天。 © Marcelo Paulo Silva/TNC Photo Contest


Sandesh Kadur, 印度

A fan-throated lizard stands guard over his territory. Photographed in Satara's Chalkewadi plateau, which is the site of one of the largest wind farms in this region.
蜥蜴和風車 一隻扇喉蜥蜴正在保衛著其領地。攝於印度Satara市的 Chalkewadi 高原,這裡是該地區最大的風力發電場之一。 © Sandesh Kadur/TNC Photo Contest


Amish Jain,印度

A person cleaning the Lakes of excessive sea vegetation due to hot climate as well as waste being dumped into the lake.
清潔湖泊 一個人正在清理湖中過多的水中植物,而植物生長過於茂盛的原因是氣候變化和人類在湖中棄置廢料。 © Amish Jain/TNC Photo Contest


Jassen Todorov,美國


Wastewater ponds are necessary yet dangerous. The leaking or deliberate discharging of inadequately treated water has polluted freshwater and saltwater ecosystems.
造紙 設置污水池是必要的,但也很危險。洩漏或故意排放未經充分處理的廢水污染了淡水和鹹水生態系統。 © Jassen Todorov/TNC Photo Contest


Ziaul Huque,孟加拉

Every road construction worker of Bangladesh who works in a construction site is severely damaged by black smoke and dust.
生死之間 在孟加拉,每一個在建築地盤工作的道路建設工人都被黑煙和灰塵嚴重傷害。 © Ziaul Huque/TNC Photo Contest


Marcelo Perez del Carpio,玻利維亞

Volunteer forest firefighter Daniel Vargas Osinaga (21) walks through thick smoke after helping to extinguish a fire in Bolivia's Santa Rosa de Tucabaca.
Tucabaca之夜 21 歲的義務森林消防員Daniel Vargas Osinaga在協助撲滅玻利維亞Santa Rosa de Tucabaca的大火後,在濃煙中走過。 © Marcelo Perez del Carpio/TNC Photo Contest


Jassen Todorov,美國

This image portrays the devastation caused by the Dixie fire, California's largest single wildfire.
西部乾燥又危險 這張相片呈現了美國加州最大的單一山火Dixie Fire造成的破壞。 © Jassen Todorov/TNC Photo Contest


Florian Ledoux,挪威

Aerial view of two different types of ice in winter. On the right side, the well established fast ice. On the left, the open water refreezing after a storm took away the ice.
兩個世界 鳥瞰冬季兩種不同類型的冰層 — 右邊是快速形成的完整冰層,左邊是經過暴風雨帶走冰層後的開闊水域重新結冰。 © Florian Ledoux/TNC Photo Contest


Kristin Wright ,美國

Brightly colored sediment paints the Icelandic landscape as at flows towards the ocean. The glacial river, Þjórsá, is the longest river in Iceland.
交織的河流 色彩鮮豔的沉積物經河流流向海洋,粉飾了冰島的景觀。冰川河Þjórsá是冰島最長的河流。 © Kristin Wright/TNC Photo Contest


Nick Leopold Sordo,墨西哥

Las Coloradas salt mines in Yucatan. In these pink water lagoons is one of the most important salt generating plants in the country.
YUCATÁN的LAS COLORADAS 位於YUCATÁN的LAS COLORADAS鹽礦。在這些粉紅色的潟湖中,是墨西哥最重要的產鹽場之一。 © Nick Leopold Sordo/TNC Photo Contest


Dasun Nirmala Malaarachchi,澳洲

Bluewater, golden sand, white foam mixed with bright sunlight paints gorgeous design under the Seacliff bridge in NSW, Australia.
海浪 藍色的海水、金色的沙灘、白色的泡沫與明亮的陽光交錯,在澳洲亞新南威爾士省的 Seacliff 橋下繪製出瑰麗的一幕。 © Dasun Nirmala Malaarachchi/TNC Photo Contest


Tom Shlesinger,以色列

Decades ago, following severe declines in populations of Goliath Grouper, Florida banned their fishing, leading to an increase in the population.
小人國中的巨人 美國佛羅里達州在數十年前因應巨石斑魚種群數量暴跌而禁止捕魚,該種群的數量因而增加。 © Tom Shlesinger/TNC Photo Contest


Tom Fenske,美國

Also known as the Drainpipe of the Pacific, this natural hole in the rock along the Oregon Coast is seen here at sunset.
雷神之井 這個位於美國俄勒岡海岸岩石上的天然洞穴也被稱為太平洋的排水管,攝於日落時分。 © Tom Fenske/TNC Photo Contest


Callie Chee,澳洲

Ghost Mushrooms // Nicknamed ghost mushrooms due to its eerie green glow, the scientific names of these bioluminescent mushrooms are Omphalotus Nidiformis.  The glow is very much visible to the naked eyes in complete darkness.  They are found in certain forests in Australia.  Finding them and photographing them can be challenging as they grow and glow for only a few weeks in a year.
幽靈蘑菇 這些懂得生物性發光的蘑菇由於發出怪異的綠色光芒而被稱為幽靈蘑菇,學名是 Omphalotus Nidiformis。 © Callie Chee/TNC Photo Contest 2022


Xiaoling Keller,美國

Soaptree Yucca in White Sands National Park, New Mexico.
皂樹絲蘭 美國新墨西哥州白沙國家公園的皂樹絲蘭(Soaptree Yucca)。 © Xiaoling Keller/TNC Photo Contest


Tibor Litauszki,匈牙利

Crocuses in the twilight.
藏紅花潮 暮光中的藏紅花。 © Tibor Litauszki/TNC Photo Contest


Patrick Krohn,美國

Dew drops balance on this purple heart flower on an early morning in in the spring of 2022 in my front yard in Aiken, SC, USA.
平衡 2022 年春天的一個清晨,在我位於美國南卡羅來納州艾肯市的前院,露水在這朵紫心花上落下平衡。 © Patrick Krohn/TNC Photo Contest


Jake Virus,美國

Deep in Ba Vi National Park in Vietnam sits a beautiful, yet spooky, forest.
最後的Truffula Tree 一片美麗而詭異的森林座落在越南的Ba Vi國家公園深處。 © jake virus/TNC Photo Contest


Cristiano Xavier,巴西

Dragon Blood Trees in a long exposure night photo. These trees grow only in the high plateaus of Socotra Island.
龍血樹 相機長時間曝光的夜間照片中的龍血樹。這些樹只生長在也門Socotra Island的高原上。 © Cristiano Xavier/TNC Photo Contest


Cristiano Xavier,巴西

An old tree of Madeira Island light painted in a foggy evening. This forest grows in a high part of the island and has some amazing mossy trees.
遠古 霧濛濛晚上的葡萄牙Madeira 島上,光線為一棵老樹抹上金光。這片森林生長在島上的高處,長有一些的滿佈苔蘚的樹木,蔚為奇觀。 © Cristiano Xavier/TNC Photo Contest


Anup Shah,英國

Maasai Mara, Kenya. The lion on the right is distinctly older than its youthful companion. The old guy is one of the Four Musketeers that ruled Mara long time ago.
同伴 攝於肯亞Maasai Mara 保護區。右邊的獅子明顯比牠的年輕同伴年長。這年長的獅子是很久以前統治這個區域的四大獅子王之一。 © Anup Shah/TNC Photo Contest


Panos Laskarakis,希臘

The African dust around the supergiant is one of the best spectacles in wild Namibia.
塵埃中的大象 在塵埃中的大象是納米比亞野外最佳的奇觀之一。 © Panos Laskarakis/TNC Photo Contest


Tibor Litauszki,匈牙利

Deer at dawn blue.
跟著我 黎明時分漫天藍光下的鹿隻。 © Tibor Litauszki/TNC Photo Contest


Baiju Patil﹐印度

保持距離 印度。 © Baiju Patil/TNC Photo Contest


Torie Hilley,美國

During my time studying the African painted dog in South Africa, we came across these two young bull giraffes “necking” – which is their form of sparring or fighting.
巨人的芭蕾舞 在我研究南非的非洲野犬期間,我們遇到了這兩隻年輕的雄性長頸鹿以頸相搏 — 這是牠們爭吵或打架的方式。 © Torie Hilley/TNC Photo Contest


Rick Dowling,美國

The eagles were fighting for a piece of salmon. The eagle on top flew on top of the second eagle to try and get the salmon. Photographed at the Eagle Fest at Haines, AK.
戰爭 這些老鷹正在為一塊三文魚而戰。上面的老鷹飛到第二隻老鷹的頭上,試圖抓住三文魚。攝於美國阿拉斯加州海恩斯市的鷹節。 © Rick Dowling/TNC Photo Contest


Masahiro Hiroike,日本

Nanbu Town, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. "Himebotaru" is a small firefly that lives in the forest and emits a short and powerful light like a flash.
姬螢 攝於日本鳥取縣南部町。姬螢是一種生活在森林中的細小螢火蟲,會像閃光燈一樣發出短暫而強大的光芒。 © Masahiro Hiroike/TNC Photo Contest


Tibor Litauszki,匈牙利

To keep track of the flight, I used an LED headlight. So that the twilight effect is in the background, so I chose multi-exposure inside the camera.
飛蛾之旅 為了追踪飛蛾飛行,我使用了 LED 頭燈。為讓背景中有暮光效果,我選擇了在相機設置多重曝光。 © Tibor Litauszki/TNC Photo Contest


Fabio Saltarelli,阿根廷

Scene where a specimen of Elephant Seal defends her calf from the stalking of a striated caracara in the Falkland Islands.
跟蹤 在福克蘭群島,一隻象海豹保護自己的年幼象海豹免受一隻巨隼跟蹤。 © Fabio Saltarelli/TNC Photo Contest


Jenny Zhao,美國

Low angle shot of a giraffe drinking at a waterhole, accompanied by an oxpecker. Zimanga Private Game Reserve, South Africa.
長項鹿喝水 以低角度拍攝一隻長頸鹿在水坑喝水,旁邊伴隨著一隻啄木鳥。攝於南非 Zimanga 私人野生動物保護區。 © Jenny Zhao/TNC Photo Contest

